What is an individual health insurance plan? If speaking technically, it is an agreement between the insurer and the customer regulating that the insurer will pay for listed customer's medical services in case of an emergency against a certain fine. But the main question that many people are asking is about the elements to be considered before going with such an individual health insurance option.
There's no doubt that the quality of medical and preventive services has made a huge leap forward compared to say 50 years ago. sciences have made rapid advancements in today's world. Still, going off without health insurance is quite a risky decision even taking all the progress into account. Today, insurance companies are competing for customers, trying to offer the most advanced health insurance plans that would include just any thing imaginable for a reasonable price. So if you aren't employed with a big company or your employer doesn't provide group health insurance options, getting an individual health insurance plan is the right thing to consider.
It is recommended that you consult with your insurance agent or broker in case your individual policy makes part of an integrated group health insurance policy. Sometimes such options are more costly than simple individual plans but in contrast provide more opportunities and larger coverage. In case you're married be sure to check with your partner's employer if they can include you in their group health insurance plan. And if there are no other options left, individual health insurance policy is just what you need. Even if the rates would be higher than with group health insurance or your coverage will be limited, still it's a far better option than simply going off without any medical coverage in case of an illness or exceptional situation. It's better to find a health insurance expert who will help you find cheap health insurance solutions for individuals with respect to your financial abilities and actual needs.
And there are plenty of options to choose between when going with an individual health insurance plan - Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), High Deductible Health Insurance (HDHP) or Health Savings Accounts Qualified High Deductible (HAS).
When thinking of an individual insurance plan experts recommend considering health savings account plans that cater certain benefits for the customer. This way you will be able to save some additional amounts of money on a monthly basis by decreasing your premiums. And this type of plans also offers tax favored savings accounts so you should think well about going with that option if you want cheap health insurance with certain benefits like the money accumulated each year with your savings.
Even if your employer provides group health insurance solutions you still may want to get an additional health insurance plan to cover things not included in your group policy. In such case you will have to get an individual health insurance policy and tailor it to your exact needs. That is also a very good option if you have family members not included in your employer's plan.